Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Shake 'n' Pour

Okay, so this post could get kind of hairy. It involves possibly shocking details about the General Mills is Betty Crocker. Are they one person; is this like a trans-gender thing? Don't ask, don't tell.

I was at the large chain store which I affectionately call WhiteWay looking for bisquick-- just regular old Bisquick. I was horrified to see this thing.

It is called the Bisquick Shake 'n' Pour. Note, there was no regular ol' box of bisquick on the shelf next to it--just the betty's pancake mix, which to the untrained eye would appear as a lesser quality product than the tried and true Bisquick. They're actually the same exact thing.

So do they really want to you buy this petroleum product, non-recyclable thing called Shake 'n' Pour, instead of a box of Bisquick? I already have a Shake 'n' Pour: it's called a pyrex measuring cup. Bisquick has reached an entirely new level of slackerdome.

1 comment:

Going Crunchy said...

So true. When you are feeling slacker, you can make your own mix your very own way and freeze it. Thaw when you are ready for pancakes.

I find this handy because I like making buckwheat jazzy ones that require a bit more effort. I make it once, but cook twice off the effort.

Even worse is the premade microwave pancakes. I'm ashamed to say I do keep those on hands for "running late" mornings on school/work days. I've "forgotten" them the last two grocery trips so I have NO CHOICE but to get my tush in gear ahead of time. Shannon